Lucas del Fresno is a professional photographer and videographer with a background in Film Direction (Once and Again, 2020; Europa, 2021; Archipel, 2023) and Art Direction. He works on personal projects and commissions for different clients and brands. Currently based in Geneva, Switzerland.
T +41 (0) 78 256 54 91
M info@lucasdelfresno.com
Clients: Fondation d’Art Aborigène OPALE, ECAL, HEAD, Memo Paris, Hermetica Paris, Floraiku Paris, La Marmite, Roxane, Janti, LivinGeneva
Awards: Upcoming Talents Award (Solothurner Film Festival, 2021); Best Film and Best Direction (Festival de Sant Joan D’Alacant, Spain, 2021); Best Short-Film, Asturias Section (Festival International of Cinema of Gijón, Spain, 2022); Best Direction of Photography (Festival de Soria, Spain, 2021).